Tuesday, 18 November 2008

bird boy & the sea

I was sitting with a group of old men around a wooden table on a wharf. We watched as a small boy, perhaps two or three years old, wandered over to the wooden fence that bordered the wharf and peered into the ocean below. I thought out loud that I would have to rescue him if he jumped in the water and, sure enough, he slipped through the railing and plunged into the sea. I jumped up, ran the few feet to the fence, and leapt over using my hands on the fence to catapult me off the jetty and into the air. I dived into the water next to the boy who was sinking down into the depths. I grabbed him and swam up through the greenish, cloudy ocean toward the light at the water's surface. We saw two grey nurse sharks circling below us - a mother and its child. I wanted the boy to see and acknowledge the sharks so that he wouldn't be so fast to jump into the ocean again. We surfaced and I pushed him back up the wooden ladder so that he could climb onto the wharf to safety. He turned into a small red, bottle green and white robin and flew away and then circled back, returning to the jetty and the group of old men, now a powerful eagle.

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