Wednesday, 6 August 2008

perfect day

I was walking the streets of my childhood neighbourhood, up Bender away from my grandparents' house, and along Rae, past the school. I was walking home. There were two people also walking, people I had encountered on my journey, but I knew we would soon part ways. It was late in the afternoon and though it was winter, the day had a delicious balminess about it; whilst the sun shone hotly, a cool wind countered it. The blue of sky was so deep that it veered on turquoise. I felt an expectancy, a sense of well-being. I remarked upon the wonderful day to the two people walking alongside me. Though the man agreed, I could see that the woman felt no joy in the afternoon. Where I would usually want to help her see the beauty I saw and feel the happiness I felt, I wanted to leave them so they would not dampen my euphoria, my delight. I walked on homeward, basking in the afternoon and looking forward to the evening.

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