Monday 1 September 2008

wild ride

I was a passenger in a car with my partner. We were driving around unfamiliar roads but from the terrain, I assumed that we were somewhere on the coast of NSW around Hat Head. I was busy with sending a text to someone and when I looked up, B had moved into the back seat of the car and the steering wheel was unattended. I could see oncoming traffic and could feel the car speeding up. I desperately tried to move from the passenger seat into the driver's seat but seemed trapped by the seatbelt and the space in which I had to move. I tried to reach the brakes to no avail whilst I was steering the car from my side position - it all felt wrong. We turned a corner, swinging down a street next to a marsh - wild, scrubby trees grew along the bank. Rather than continuing our reckless ride, I steered the car off the road and into a tree, crashing and bringing the car to a sudden halt. I knew that it would look as though I had failed but I felt it was the only thing that I could have done.

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