Saturday, 21 July 2007

Black Inked Diamond Python

I am in deep water. There seems to be water everywhere. To my left, B is showering, standing in a cubicle like a cage that is raised just above the water. There is a Black Inked Diamond Python swimming in the water. His long body swirls around me, curling and twisting in the depths below. He is a long snake with a black diamond pattern running down his back and with rainbow tips at both ends of his body – his head and tail are brightly painted red, blue, green and yellow. B doesn’t want to come out of the shower until the python is gone, so when he swims close enough to me I grab him at either end of his body. He writhes in my hands and it is difficult to tell which end is his head and which end is his tail. Eventually, rather than being caught, he opens his mouth and bites off his rainbow tail. Black ink seeps out of his wound into the water and clouds over his head poisoning him. He dies.

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