Friday, 2 July 2010

car crash and miracle

I was driving up the mountain, climbing the curling roads. The car seemed unfamiliar and I was trying to drive while doing up my seatbelt and fiddling with the radio. I could see another car coming toward me, swerving and winding. I realised that I was going too fast to handle the sharp bend coming up. I couldn't control the car and, as I swung around the bend, the car slid, screaming across the road, crashing through the fence and suddenly I was flying through the air. For a moment, the car seemed to hover before plummeting down the enormous drop to the bottom of the mountain, and, in that moment, I had time to realise that I was most likely about to die. I wondered how the other driver felt, having witnessed my car drive off the mountain. I thanked God for my life; asked forgiveness for anything I may have done that was not yet resolved; felt a little disappointed that I had lived for so few months on the mountain as I was looking forward to spending much more time there; prayed for my family and B; asked God for a miracle so that, if I survived, I might be physically and mentally whole, and then plunged to the ground. I do not remember the impact, only that, a short time after, I was alive and well, that, somehow, I had survived.

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