Wednesday, 30 June 2010

boat crime

I was with my family on a boat, moored on a river. We were sitting inside the cabin, talking about people who live on boats and why they do. Suddenly, a speed boat shot past us and motored directly into another boat, which was moored only about five hundred metres from us. We watched as the boat reversed and then, purposefully, drove straight into the boat again. A man in his sixties appeared from within the boat and we saw two men on the offending boat, grab him around the throat and strangle him. They turned around and saw us watching and I pointed at them so that they knew that we had seen. I then jumped out of the boat as they would undoubtedly come to get me, as I was witness to their crime. I called out to my family to escape, and I tried to swim under the boat, to hide there under its frame. The men were too fast and, in no time, their boat swung around our boat and I saw them draw their guns. I drew a small pistol and shot one man, first in one shoulder and then in the other, effectively maiming him. The other man released his gun. We called the police and were safe.

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