Tuesday, 25 August 2009

in the air

I was in the church hall next door to the church I attended as a child. There was a group of people gathered there, awaiting an event. A long rope hung from the high ceiling in the far corner of the hall, in front of the stage. I held onto the rope, walking around in circles, not quite swinging, but almost. I had not the arm nor core strength to lift my body off the ground and so I walked around and around, imagining what I could do. As I walked past the wall, holding onto the rope, I imagined that I could run up it and somersault away, circling on the rope. I imagined that I could perform aerial acrobatics, the way a tissu circus performer would. I realised that if I did this every day, slowly building up my strength and flexibility, plus visualising the movements, that soon I would be able to do it - lift myself off the ground and gracefully, powerfully spin on the rope in the air.
Next, I left the hall, travelling toward home. Instead of walking, I hovered above the ground, using the power of my mind to keep my body a foot or so above the ground and float forward. I moved through the crowd outside, weaving my way over the verandah, down the stairs, and across the church grounds to the road. As I floated across the road, I saw a bus approaching at high speed on my left. I faltered and stumbled on the ground so that the bus had to scream to a halt. It stopped a breath away from my body. The bus driver alighted the bus and yelled at me, telling me that I should use the crossing only a few metres away. I apologised and walked down to the crossing where I crossed back over the road into the church grounds. There, I found my pillow, which was covered in a coral-coloured slip. I held onto the pillow, much like I was leaning on it, and used it to propel me back into the air. I floated back into the crowd gathered outside the church, hovering a foot above everyone, listening to their conversation but concentrating on keeping myself afloat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the book that will be informed by all these stories from your dream world.

I hope you will post details about how to obtain it when it gets published.