Tuesday 30 June 2009

lost camera & manifesting thoughts

I was sitting at a bus stop, somewhere in another city. I had a few items of luggage with me, including my camera. I placed the camera on the footpath while I rummaged through my bag, head down, looking for my ticket. When I looked up again, my camera was gone. I panicked. I searched around the bus stop and stopped anybody around, asking for my camera. No one had it nor had they seen anyone take it. It had simply disappeared. I was desperate to find my camera as I had photographed a friend's wedding the day before and all of the photos were stored on the memory card in the camera. I was terrified of losing the photographs and ruining the occasion, plus I value the camera greatly.
Later, I was inside a house with the friends whose wedding I had photographed. I was still searching for my camera, checking inside cupboards and suitcases, under lounges and other furniture, anywhere I thought it could be hidden. Finally the bride's mother, another dear friend, told me to remember the last time I was anxious about losing photographs: I greatly feared something going wrong with the camera and then the memory card malfunctioned. Though I was able to retrieve the images, she said that I had manifested the near disaster. This again, she said, was a manifestation of my thoughts. Be careful what you think, she warned me.

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