Tuesday, 2 December 2008


I was sitting in a lecture theatre, next to the lecturer. She was operating a computer, conducting a PowerPoint presentation, whilst addressing the class. The images became out of sync with the words and I tried to help her but then photographs of babies appeared on the screen. The photos seemed to be of the class members when they were young. The computer then blacked out entirely, putting an end to the lecture. The lecturer put her arms around me and we sat, quietly, while the others filed out. We then prepared to leave the lecture theatre. My car was parked directly outside and, as we approached it, we could see that someone had scratched it - not just one scratch but the entire car was covered in scratches, as though someone had deliberately scraped the red paint away. I accepted it seemingly stoically, saying that I would just have to get a cut and polish, but really it rocked me to my core. I didn't feel that I could cope with another setback. We opened the gate from the small courtyard where my car was parked to the green outdoors and I fainted. My lecturer didn't notice and continued walking down the path. I lay there, conscious yet not, perspiring in the engulfing heat. I could see beads of sweat running down the skin on my arms; my skin was golden and I was wearing sky blue. My lecturer returned with help: another woman and an aged male rector. I was immediately concerned as I didn't want the rector preaching or some such thing. My fears, however, were ungrounded; he simply sat beside me, as they all did, until I stirred. My lecturer whispered in my ear: don't give up. Finally, I wiped the perspiration from my brow, pushed the hair from my eyes and stood up. The three people all left without saying anything further and I walked to my car.

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