Wednesday, 18 April 2007

hair in my throat

Dreamed the night of 20th February 2007
I was a guest at a dinner party. Before dinner, I went to the toilet and, to my dismay, found that the only toilet paper was blue, green and yellow floral paper serviettes, stacked neatly on the hand basin. I flushed the toilet, but instead of a usual flush, water fell from an overhead shower rose, down into the bowl, filling it quickly, rising up and over the sides. Alarmed, I plunged my arm into the bowl, the water reaching up to my elbow, and extracted the serviette from the s-bend, unblocking the toilet. I cleaned up the floor with more napkins and then set about scrubbing my hands and arms in the sink with soap and water.
I looked in the mirror and realised that I had something stuck in my throat. I opened my mouth and found a hair that I started to pull. I could feel it sliding up my throat and out of my mouth. The hair kept coming and, as I pulled, strings of jeweled necklaces emerged from my throat – pale green stones threaded together and multi-coloured glass beads, glinting in the dim light. Finally, I pulled green veins of thick spit out of my throat, like a magician pulling scarves out of his sleeve, and my throat felt clear.
I walked down the hall and into the dining room where everyone was waiting. I apologised for being late and sat at the table. The host began to introduce me to an illustrator who was present, and whose work everyone was admiring. He was a very short, rotund man in his forties, with a thick accent. Again I felt as though my throat was blocked and, coughing, excused myself as best I could before leaving the room and returning to the mirror.
There, I opened my mouth wide and found another hair which I pinched it between my fingers and delicately pulled at it until it started sliding up and out of my throat. I felt it growing thicker, and it became white cotton and then dental floss. I continued to draw it from my mouth, the pile of hair and thread growing in the bathroom sink. Suddenly, the string expanded into a clump of hair like a long pony tail cut from someone’s head and my throat was clear. I looked at the last chunk of hair and realised that it was my ex-partner’s.


Anonymous said...

Boy, I have had dreams with both elements - the overflowing toilet, and pulling hair or string from my mouth, going down my throat. These have happened many times. You got both of these bad dreams in one. I hate the feeling where I can feel the string or hair coming up from my stomach (that's how it feels). Sometimes it feels really great to get it all out, only to find more. I am never able to get it all out before waking up. Do you have any idea what it means?

Christine Sharp said...

I think both scenarios - overflowing toilet and hair in throat - may mean that the dreamer has unexpressed thoughts, feelings or desires, that self-expression has been choked (swallowed) or blocked and is ready to be expressed or released. Like many others, I find that both scenarios and similar ones, recur at particular times, seemingly pointing to the same message - whatever that may be. Only the dreamer can positively ascertain the meaning of their dream as dream symbols mean different things to different people, but some symbols are very common and do, perhaps, have a generic meaning. I find that in the process of recording my dreams, I become aware of the recurring symbols - colours, objects, locations, scenarios etc - that I probably would otherwise not notice. In recognising a pattern, I can begin to understand more clearly what my subconscious is communicating. Curiouser and curiouser ...