Wednesday 11 April 2007

fish tank dream

Last night I dreamed that I was peering into a large fish tank. The tank was outside, elevated about five foot off the ground, perched atop a wooden structure with a ladder leading up to the tank. Inside, I could see two different types of fish: grey fish with lots of sharp teeth and larger greyish-blue fish with yellow rings around their eyes and blue lips. I read somewhere on the tank that they were Italian fish. I climbed the ladder and lowered my body into the tank, submerging myself entirely, and sat on the bottom of the tank looking out. I was a little nervous of the fish with teeth and hoped they were not dangerous. I felt something on my left shoulder and looked around to see one of the blue & yellow fish resting comfortably there. It seemed to like me and I felt a connection to it. I stayed seated on the bottom of the tank for some time with my legs crossed in front of me and my knees bent, tucked under my chin. I was able to breathe under water, watching the world outside the tank.

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