Thursday 1 December 2011

rising up

Two dreams:
I was rising in the air, flying or floating upward, away from the Earth, towards the stars and planets. I experienced a knowledge that I was about to disperse, the atoms of my body and the energy that makes up me were about to scatter and converge with the energy of the universe. Still rising, and regretfully, I remembered the many things I had to complete, the things I had to do, and so I turned and headed back to Earth.
I was in the back yard, clearing green rubbish, banana leaves and such things, with the help of a couple of  others. It crossed my mind there may be a snake hidden in the waste pile, but we continued gathering armfuls of debris. One of my friends walked quickly to the bottom of the yard and threw something long over the fence - a brown snake. I was amazed at her calm. Another snake, a giant python, came out of the pile and weaved its way across the yard. My friends retreated and I, instead, floated upward, above the scene. I was aware of the concentration required to remain in the air, knowing that if I ceased to believe, I would fall down into the yard with the snakes.

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