Saturday 19 December 2009

flying down the stairs

I was again on a road that skirted the beach, high up, as though on top of a very tall cliff. An extremely steep and long set of old cement stairs ran all the way from the top to the bottom, perhaps five-hundred stairs or more. I began to run down the stairs as fast as I could and someone beside me ran too, racing me to the bottom. My feet were moving so fast that they became a blur. I was amazed that I could run that fast and not stumble. I wanted to win the race to the bottom and my friend was so fast that I decided to leap into the air and fly down. I jumped and continued to travel down the stairs, hovering above them only a few inches. To show off a little, I lifted my legs up into an almost cross-legged position and placed my hands above my knees, curling my fingers so that the thumb and index fingers touched - the lotus pose. In this position, I flew even faster through the air, descending the stairs at great speed. Nearing the bottom, I stretched out my body so that I dived toward the sand, dipping down and then, at the last moment, ascending again, so that I didn't hit the ground with any force. I floated back down and came to rest on the sand.

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