Wednesday, 18 November 2009

accidental tattoo

I noticed a skin irritation and wanted to investigate the cause. Could it be something around the house? I searched until I found a particular blanket that had recently been to the dry cleaners. Ah ha! A chemical. We decided to conduct a small experiment and isolated each of the chemicals used in the process of dry cleaning. We did a patch test on a small portion of my skin to see if there was a reaction to any of the substances. Upon contact with one of the chemicals, my skin erupted. An angry red rash appeared on my left wrist and flowered across the skin, covering my hand and the lower arm. Rather than calming, it then settled into a permanent colourful scar - a tattoo, complete with different coloured swirls and patterns. Though an admirable design, I was very disappointed as I did not want a tattoo, especially not one so prominent. I realised that I would have to wear long-sleeved shirts and such to hide the tattoo if attending formal events.

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